VisualDSP++ License Registration

Thank you for purchasing Analog Devices' VisualDSP++®. This form is for VisualDSP++ development environments with the serial numbers starting with ADI, ENG, or KIT. If you are registering for a VisualDSP++ Test Drive license (serial number starting with TST), please use the Test Drive Registration Form.

Please register below to receive your validation code. If you have multiple computers, you need to register each of them with your serial number and computer machine ID. Your validation code will be e-mailed within 24 hours, therefore, please verify you have entered a valid e-mail address in the registration form.

The form requires IE7+, Firefox 3.0+ and Chrome 2.0+ browsers or higher. If you have registration problems, please contact

About you

Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required
*Email Id
*First Name
*Last Name
Job Title

Your detailed information

*Organization Name
*Address 1
Address 2
Address 3
*Zip/Postal Code
If Outside the US or Canada, please enter the region

Your serial number

* Serial #
* Which product are you registering?
Please provide your Serial # exactly as it appears on the CD-ROM case or other source such as e-mail text or license.dat file.(include dashes and correct case if appropriate). Please note that the serial number can be installed only once on your system. If, for any reason, you need to uninstall and reinstall VisualDSP++, please be sure to make a copy of your <install_path>\VisualDSP++*\System\license.dat file.

Your host ID

*Host ID (Formerly referred to as Machine ID)
The Host ID is an identifier that is unique to each computer. By default, VisualDSP++ uses the Volume (or Disk) ID of the C:\ drive as the Host ID. From VisualDSP++ 5.0 onwards, if you do not have a hard drive on your machine, or have a setup resulting in your having no C:\ drive, then the 12 digit MAC address of your network card may be used instead.

Instructions for locating the Host ID on your computer.

Your project

*How did you purchase VisualDSP++? (If through an ADI authorized distributor, please select distributor)
(use dropdown below)
*Which embedded processor are you evaluating?
*What is the primary market segment that your application targets?
*What is the primary type of application that you develop?

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