Looking for more information about how to use your ADI technology?

Visit our wiki page for resources, gyro basics, and code examples at: https://wiki.analog.com/first/first_robotics_donation_resources

Have a question not answered here? Reach out to us for support on the EngineerZone or contact us at frcsupport@analog.com

Information about Analog Devices Donation

ADIS16470 Next-Generation iSensor IMU Board - Available on FIRST Choice


ADIS16470Move up with the next-generation IMU Board with new improved sensors. The ADIS16470 IMU is one of ADI's newest iSensor products. Just like the ADIS16448, this IMU gives your robot the ability to calculate its position in 3D space. This IMU packs a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope. The board has two mounting holes to secure the board to the RoboRIO so you don't have to worry about vibration or losing your sensor in the middle of a match. This sensor has the lowest drift of any ADI board for FRC, giving your team industry-level performance.

Supporting libraries can be found on GitHub. If you need help getting started, visit our FRC Donation Resources wiki page.

FRC Gyroscope Board – Available on FIRST Choice


FRC GYROGyroscopes and accelerometers are game-changers for your robot, providing precise measurement of motion and rotation to help your robot better navigate the field. The ADXRS450 gyroscope featured on this board is used in applications such as industrial automation, wearable activity trackers, and robotics far beyond FRC.

If you need help getting started, check out our FRC Donation Resources wiki page.

ADIS16448 iSensor IMU Board - Available on FIRST Choice


IMUCheck out the ADI Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). The ADIS16448 IMU gives the RoboRIO the ability to calculate its position in 3D space. The unit packs gyroscopes, accelerometers, a barometer, and a magnetometer into a small and robust housing designed for robotics. Each unit is individually calibrated for peak performance. The device featured on this board is part of the ADI iSensor family, used in applications like UAVs, surgical robots, and even concussion detection.

Supporting libraries can be found on GitHub. If you need help getting started, check out our FRC Donation Resources wiki page.

Interested in Electronics?


M1KIf you want to better understand the electrical principles of current, voltage and impedance, check out the tutorials and demos in the kit and read more about the Active Learning Module on our wiki. 

Order your kit

Making Our Cities Smarter

Find out how ADI is moving beyond silicon with solutions for industrial IoT solutions, including Smart City Parking Guidance, Smart Building Occupancy Detection, Smart Infrastructure Structural Health Monitoring and Smart Agriculture Crop Monitoring.

Driven by Science. Inspired by Science Fiction. Enabled by Innovation. Supported by Analog Devices.

The US government’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) approached DEKA with an ambitious goal: design a prosthetic arm with the functionality of a natural limb. They wanted an alternative that changed the game; a solution that was delicate enough to pick up a grape, yet rugged enough to handle tools such as a hand drill. ADI is proud to deliver the trusted, high-performance technology to help make DEKA’s revolutionary innovation possible.

See how DEKA and ADI are collaborating

Driven by Science

Helping to Create the Next Generation of Engineers and Innovators

From our very beginnings, Analog Devices has lent time, resources, and steadfast support to promote STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education. Since 2003, we have partnered with FIRST (www.firstinspires.org) in this mission. Analog Devices' sponsorship includes:

  • Supporting FIRST robotics teams with grant funding
  • Contributing relevant products to the high school (FRC) design kit (see videos below)
  • Supporting regional competitions
  • Summer internships for FIRST students

Furthermore, a number of our employees volunteer with FIRST as team mentors, competition judges, and as parent volunteers. Learn about how you can get involved as a volunteer at FIRST.


FIRST shares ADI's commitment to STEM programs in the communities where we work and live by inspiring the next generation of young people to pursue careers in engineering and math.

Vincent Roche — CEO of Analog Devices

Analog Devices donates products for high school FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) design kits

Using the ADI FRC IMU board to help your robot drive straight

These videos demonstrate how ADI’s donations can help your team build a better robot. To get started, follow the links below to see the Kit of Parts (KoP) and Active Learning Module: ADALM1000 features, specs, and more.

Learn more about FRC KoP Resources

Explore the ADALM1000 Module Kit

Using the ADI FRC IMU board for "autonomous" mode

Using the ADI FRC IMU board, 2016 FRC Control System and LabVIEW

Using the ADI FRC Gyro/XL board, 2016 FRC Control System and LabVIEW

Why should I use the Analog Devices Sensor Board?

Getting Started with ADALM 1000 (M1K)

Using the ADALM 1000 (M1K) to measure voltage on your robot

Putting the Future FIRST

Putting the Future FIRSTSupporting STEM Programs

From mentorship opportunities, to ongoing financial assistance, to supplying technology, Analog Devices is proud to support FIRST Robotics Competition and empower tomorrow’s innovation leaders to create solutions – and opportunities – that are ahead of what’s possible.

Learn how we’re supporting FIRST and other STEM programs across our community.

This Isn't a Robot!

FIRST is more than robots. FIRST prepares kids to solve the world's toughest problems.

Get Involved with FIRSTGet Involved with FIRST

Volunteers make up 99.9% of the FIRST workforce. Whether you have a weekend to help, want to mentor for a length of time, have technical or non-technical expertise, there is a volunteer role suited to your unique interest. Find information about FIRST programs, volunteer resources, opportunities, and more!

Learn how you can become a FIRST Volunteer.