Low EMI Silent Switcher

Nov 27 2017
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Figure 1. Silent Switcher.

Silent Switcher and Silent Switcher 2 families bring new levels of performance for synchronous step-down DC/DC converters. Input voltages range from 8V to 65V making them ideal for a wide range of applications found in automotive, industrial and communications systems requiring 1A to 15A's of output current. Their unique Silent Switcher designs offer high efficiency at high switching frequencies (>2MHz) with ultralow Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) emissions, offering very compact and quiet step-down solutions. The Silent Switcher family uses special design and packaging techniques to offer 95% efficiency at 2MHz while easily passing the CISPR 25 Class 5 Peak EMI limits. Silent Switcher 2 adds internal bypass capacitors and an integrated substrate to further improve EMI which is not sensitive to PCB layout, simplifying designs and reducing performance risks even when using two-layer PC boards. So, when an application requires a very efficient, compact and low EMI step-down solution, start with Silent Switcher and Silent Switcher 2.

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