

Ultralow Power Boost Regulator with MPPT and Charge Management

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Starting From $2.56

Part Details

Boost regulator with maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
  • Hysteretic controller for best ultralight load efficiency
  • 320 nA ultralow quiescent current (CBP ≥ MINOP)
  • 260 nA ultralow quiescent current (CBP < MINOP)
  • Input voltage operation range from 80 mV to 3.3 V
  • Cold start from 380 mV (typical) with charge pump
  • Open circuit voltage (OCV) sensing for MPPT
  • Programmable MPPT ratio for photovoltaic (PV) or thermoelectric generator (TEG) energy sources
  • Programmable shutdown point on MINOP pin
Energy storage management
  • Programmable voltage monitor (2.2 V to 5.2 V) to support charging and prevent overcharging or overdischarging
  • Power path management for an optional backup primary cell battery connected to the BACK_UP pin
RF transmission friendly
  • Temporary shutdown boost regulator via microcontroller (MCU) communication
Ultralow Power Boost Regulator with MPPT and Charge Management
ADP5090 Typical Application Diagram ADP5090 Pin Configuration
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Evaluation Kits

eval board

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Development Kits for Your IoT Solutions

Features and Benefits

Wireless Sensor Network Development Kit – Bunch Version includes:
  • Two Multi-Sensor Node Boards which include the following components
    • ADuCRF101 Integrated TRx + ARM Cortex M3 MCU
    • ADT75 Temperature Sensor
    • ADXL362 Ultra-low Power Triple Axis Accelerometer
    • Humidity & Temperature Sensor (Sensirion SHT21)
    • Photodiode + Ambient Light Sensor (Avago APDS-9005)
    • Passive Infrared Sensor (Panasonic EKMB1201112)
    • ADP160 Power Management device
    • General Purpose Input Connector for other sensors (supports both analog and digital
    • CR2032 Coin cell battery
    • Form factor: 60mm x 33mm (2.4" x 1.3")
  • One Gateway Node
    • ADuCRF101 Integrated TRx + ARM Cortex M3 MCU development system
  • One Emulator Platform for development and debugging

Wireless Sensor Network Development Kit – Cluster Version includes:
  • Three Multi-Sensor Node Boards which include the following components
    • ADF7024 Sub-GHz ISM band Transceiver
    • 16-bit MCU (RL78-G13)
    • ADT75 Temperature Sensor
    • ADXL362 Ultra-low Power Triple Axis Accelerometer
    • Humidity & Temperature Sensor (Sensirion SHT21)
    • Photodiode + Ambient Light Sensor (Avago APDS-9005)
    • Passive Infrared Sensor (Panasonic EKMB1201112)
    • ADP160 Power Management device
    • General Purpose Input Connector for other sensors (support both analog and digital)
    • CR2032 Coin cell battery
    • Form factor: 60mm x 33mm (2.4" x 1.3")
  • One Emulator Platform for development and debugging

Product Details

The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) demo platform is a flexible, modular system for evaluating all aspects of a WSN. It offers both an out-of-the-box demonstration system, and can also be used as a development platform. It contains all of the hardware and software necessary to implement a plug-and-play WSN. The hardware includes a base station node along with multiple sensor nodes that support many different sensors. The system is flexible in that sensors can be connected in any combination to any of the sensor nodes. The out-of-the-box utility of the WSN development kits significantly reduces the time and effort required to move a customer’s design from proof-of-concept phase to production release through the marriage of three Multi-Sensor Node Boards, a gateway connector, an emulator platform, and a full featured software package.

eval board

ADP5090 Evaluation Board

Product Details

The ADP5090 is an ultralow, power synchronous, dc-to-dc boost regulator in a compact 3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP_WQ package. The ADP5090 runs from input voltages of 0.38 V to 3.3 V and requires minimal external components to provide a high efficiency solution with integrated power switch, synchronous rectifier, and battery management.

The ADP5090 evaluation board provides an easy way to evaluate the device. This user guide describes how to quickly set up the board and deliver up to 3.5 V maximum voltage to the SYS output using an external resistor divide. The internal switches turn on as long as the storage element voltage at BAT pin is above the externally programmed SETSD of 2.4 V. The PGOOD indicator toggles high when SYS ramps up to 3 V.

eval board

ADP5090-2 Evaluation Board

Features and Benefits

  • Plug and play energy harvesting platform
  • Compatible with Analog Devices, Inc., wireless sensor network (WSN) platform
  • Solar panel harvester included
  • RoHS compliant

Product Details

The ADP5090 demonstration platform is a plug and play evaluation board (ADP5090-2-EVALZ) for energy harvesting. The demonstration platform includes the photovoltaic (PV) panel and all of the power management to enable devices to be powered using energy harvesting. It is based on the Alta Devices PV cell, or the IXYS Corporation PV cell, and the ADP5090 energy harvesting power management IC.

The ADP5090 demonstration platform converts light energy to electrical energy. The PV panel converts the light to 0.8 V electrical energy. The ADP5090 boosts the input voltage from 0.8 V to 3.5 V and stores the energy in a supercapacitor.

In addition, there is an on-board, low dropout (LDO) regulator that powers loads at lower voltage rails than the 3.5 V stored in the supercapacitor. The Alta Devices PV cell is a light harvesting gallium arsenide-based cell. The PV cell is optimized for indoor environments, where lux levels are typically 200 lux to 1000 lux.

The ADP5090 is an ultra low power, synchronous, boost dc-to-dc regulator. The ADP5090 runs from input voltages of 0.38 V to 3.3 V and provides a high efficiency solution with an integrated power switch, synchronous rectifier, and battery management. The demo platform provides an easy way to evaluate the device.

Full details about the ADP5090 devices are available in the ADP5090 data sheet and must be consulted when using the ADP5090-2-EVALZ evaluation board.

The demo platform system also plugs directly into the Analog Devices WSN demo platform.

This user guide describes how to set up the ADP5090-2-EVALZ board and how to use it for powering loads.

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Development Kits for Your IoT Solutions
ADP5090 Evaluation Board
ADP5090-2 Evaluation Board
ADP5090-2 Hardware ADP5090-2 Jumper ADP5090-2 Evaluation Board

Reference Designs

Low Power Data Acquisition System
CN0372 Circuits from the lab

Ultralow Power, General-Purpose, Multichannel Data Acquisition System with Energy Harvesting Circuit and Alert Function

Features and Benefits

  • Ultralow Power Data Acquisition System
  • 4-Channels, 12-Bit Resolution
  • Energy Harvesting Power Circuit
Ultralow Power, General-Purpose, Multichannel Data Acquisition System with Energy Harvesting Circuit and Alert Function
Low Power Data Acquisition System
EVAL-CN0372-PMDZ Evaluation Board
EVAL-CN0372-PMDZ Evaluation Board - Top View
EVAL-CN0372-PMDZ Evaluation Board - Bottom View

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