ObsoleteLow-Cost, Low-Power, Complete Dual-Axis iMEMS® accelerometer
Part Details
Please see the ADXL203.
The ADXL202E is a low-cost, low-power, complete dual-axis iMEMS® accelerometer with a measurement range of ±2g. The ADXL202 can measure both dynamic acceleration (e.g., vibration) and static acceleration (e.g., gravity).
The outputs are Duty Cycle Modulated (DCM) signals whose duty cycles (ratio of pulsewidth to period) are proportional to the acceleration in each of the 2 sensitive axes. These outputs may be measured directly with a microprocessor counter, requiring no A/D converter or glue logic. The DCM period is adjustable from 0.5 ms to 10 ms via a single resistor (RSET). If an analog output is desired, an analog output proportional to acceleration is available from the XFILT and YFILT pins, or may be reconstructed by filtering the duty cycle outputs.
The bandwidth of the ADXL202 may be set from 0.01 Hz to 6 kHz via capacitors CX and CY. The typical noise floor is 200µg√Hz allowing signals below 2 mg to be resolved for bandwidths below 60Hz.
The ADXL202E is available in a 5 mm x 5 mm x 2 mm 8-lead hermetic LCC package. This version features improved sensitivity and zero g bias limits, lower noise, wider 3dB frequency response, and is smaller and lower priced than the original ADXL202.
The original ADXL202 in hermetic 14-lead Surface Mount Cerpak is no longer recommended for new designs.
Data Sheet 2
Application Note 9
Evaluation Design File 1
Frequently Asked Question 1
Obsolete Data Sheet 1
Analog Dialogue 1
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.