

18 GHz Microwave PLL Synthesizer

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Part Details

  • 18 GHz maximum RF input frequency
  • Integrated SiGe prescaler
  • Software compatible with the ADF4106/ADF4107/ADF4108 family of PLLs
  • 2.85 V to 3.15 V PLL power supply
  • Programmable dual-modulus prescaler 8/9, 16/17, 32/33, 64/65
  • Programmable charge pump currents
  • 3-wire serial interface
  • Digital lock detect
  • Hardware and software power-down mode
  • 4000 V HBM/1500 V CDM ESD performance

There is a newer version of this part available


26.5 GHz, Integer N/Fractional-N, PLL Synthesizer

18 GHz Microwave PLL Synthesizer
ADF41020-fbl ADF41020-pc
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Hardware Ecosystem

Parts Product Life Cycle Description
Internal Power Switch Boost Regulators 1
ADP1613 PRODUCTION 650 kHz /1.3 MHz Step-Up PWM DC-to-DC Switching Converter with 2.0 A Current Limit
Positive Linear Regulators (LDO) 1
ADP150 PRODUCTION Ultralow Noise, 150 mA CMOS Linear Regulator
Precision Op Amps (Vos ≤1mV & TCVos ≤2uV/C) 1
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Tools & Simulations


ADIsimRF is an easy-to-use RF signal chain calculator. Cascaded gain, noise, distortion and power consumption can be calculated, plotted and exported for signal chains with up to 50 stages. ADIsimRF also includes an extensive data base of device models for ADI’s RF and mixed signal components.

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ADIsimPLL enables the rapid and reliable evaluation of new high performance PLL products from ADI. It is the most comprehensive PLL Synthesizer design and simulation tool available today. Simulations performed include all key non-linear effects that are significant in affecting PLL performance. ADIsimPLL removes at least one iteration from the design process, thereby speeding the design- to-market.

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Evaluation Kits

eval board

ADF41020 Evaluation Board

Product Details

The EV-ADF41020EB1Z evaluation board is designed to let the user evaluate the performance of the ADF41020 frequency synthesizer for phase-locked loops (PLLs). The board contains the ADF41020 synthesizer, a 100 MHz TCXO and power supplies, USB interface, and RF output connectors. There is also an active loop filter and a 13 GHz VCO on board. The evaluation kit contains software that is compatible with Windows® XP and later versions to allow easy programming of the synthesizer.

ADF41020 Evaluation Board
EV-ADF41020EB1Z Evaluation Board EV-ADF41020EB1Z Evaluation Board - Top View EV-ADF41020EB1Z Evaluation Board - Bottom View

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