

500mA 输出电流低噪声 双模式升压型充电泵





  • 可选双模式运作:1:1.5 或 1:2
  • 高输出电流:高达 500mA
  • 低噪声恒定频率 (1MHz/0.9MHz) 操作*
  • VIN 范围:2.7V 至 5.5V
  • 可调输出电压(LTC3203/LTC3203B)
  • 用户可选固定输出电压:4.5V 或 5V (LTC3203-1 和 LTC3203B-1)
  • 静态电流 IQ 约为 120µA 的突发模式 (Burst Mode®) 操作(LTC3203/LTC3203-1)
  • 在所有负载条件下均以恒定频率操作 (LTC3203B/ LTC3203B-1)
  • 软起动功能限制启动时的浪涌电流
  • 短路/热保护
  • 停机时负载与输入断接
  • 停机电流:< 1µA
  • 采用 10 引脚 (3mm x 3mm) DFN 封装
500mA 输出电流低噪声 双模式升压型充电泵
Efficiency vs VIN at 300mA Load Current Product Package 1
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eval board

LTC3203B-1 Demo Board | Regulated Boost Charge Pump, 2.7V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5V, VOUT = 4.5V or 5V @ Up to 500mA


Demonstration circuit 863 is a high efficiency regulated boost charge pump converter that exercises the 500mA low noise LTC3203 in the 3mm x 3mm DFN package. It comes with three assembly versions, DC863A-A (3.3V output), DC863A-B (4.5V or 5V output) and DC863A-C (4.5V or 5V output), featuring the LTC3203B, LTC3203-1, and LTC3203B-1 respectively. The input voltage range is from 2.7V to 5.5V. The output current can reach up to 500mA with an input voltage above 2.9V for a 4.5V output, above 3.1V for a 5V output and over the full input range for a 3.3V output. By choosing the proper operation modes, the DC863A circuit optimizes conversion efficiencies and maintains the maximum output current at each output voltage.

Additionally, DC863A-B features Automatic Burst Mode operation at light load to achieve low supply current, whereas DC863A-A and DC863A-C operate in constant frequency mode to achieve low noise at the input. The built-in soft-start prevents excessive inrush current at start-up, and short-circuit current limit/thermal protection help the part survive a continuous short-circuit.

eval board

LTC3203-1 Demo Board | Regulated Boost Charge Pump, 2.7V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5V, VOUT = 4.5V or 5V @ Up to 500mA


Demonstration circuit 863 is a high efficiency regulated boost charge pump converter that exercises the 500mA low noise LTC3203 in the 3mm x 3mm DFN package. It comes with three assembly versions, DC863A-A (3.3V output), DC863A-B (4.5V or 5V output) and DC863A-C (4.5V or 5V output), featuring the LTC3203B, LTC3203-1, and LTC3203B-1 respectively. The input voltage range is from 2.7V to 5.5V. The output current can reach up to 500mA with an input voltage above 2.9V for a 4.5V output, above 3.1V for a 5V output and over the full input range for a 3.3V output. By choosing the proper operation modes, the DC863A circuit optimizes conversion efficiencies and maintains the maximum output current at each output voltage.

Additionally, DC863A-B features Automatic Burst Mode operation at light load to achieve low supply current, whereas DC863A-A and DC863A-C operate in constant frequency mode to achieve low noise at the input. The built-in soft-start prevents excessive inrush current at start-up, and short-circuit current limit/thermal protection help the part survive a continuous short-circuit.

eval board

LTC3203B Demo Board | Regulated Boost Charge Pump, 2.7V ≤ VIN ≤ 4V, VOUT = 3.3V @ Up to 500mA


Demonstration circuit 863 is a high efficiency regulated boost charge pump converter that exercises the 500mA low noise LTC3203 in the 3mm x 3mm DFN package. It comes with three assembly versions, DC863A-A (3.3V output), DC863A-B (4.5V or 5V output) and DC863A-C (4.5V or 5V output), featuring the LTC3203B, LTC3203-1, and LTC3203B-1 respectively. The input voltage range is from 2.7V to 5.5V. The output current can reach up to 500mA with an input voltage above 2.9V for a 4.5V output, above 3.1V for a 5V output and over the full input range for a 3.3V output. By choosing the proper operation modes, the DC863A circuit optimizes conversion efficiencies and maintains the maximum output current at each output voltage.

Additionally, DC863A-B features Automatic Burst Mode operation at light load to achieve low supply current, whereas DC863A-A and DC863A-C operate in constant frequency mode to achieve low noise at the input. The built-in soft-start prevents excessive inrush current at start-up, and short-circuit current limit/thermal protection help the part survive a continuous short-circuit.

LTC3203B-1 Demo Board | Regulated Boost Charge Pump, 2.7V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5V, VOUT = 4.5V or 5V @ Up to 500mA
DC863A-A - Schematic
LTC3203-1 Demo Board | Regulated Boost Charge Pump, 2.7V ≤ VIN ≤ 5.5V, VOUT = 4.5V or 5V @ Up to 500mA
DC863A-A - Schematic
LTC3203B Demo Board | Regulated Boost Charge Pump, 2.7V ≤ VIN ≤ 4V, VOUT = 3.3V @ Up to 500mA
DC863A-A - Schematic


DK-DEV-3CLS200N Dev Kit
Altera Cyclone III LS FPGA Development Kit 参考设计


  • Analog Devices has worked closely with FPGA and processor manufacturers to develop verified power solutions that optimize cost, size and efficiency in high performance applications
  • Our reference designs are supported by an intuitive design tool set and IP
  • Our team can provide designs for quick prototypes that can speed time to market in the most complex applications
Altera Cyclone III LS FPGA Development Kit
DK-DEV-3CLS200N Dev Kit
LTC Parts List
DK-DEV-3CLS200N Block Diagram
Cyclone III LS FPGA Development Kit


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