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Analog Devices provides an unrivalled portfolio for precision A/D converters. When you select an ADI precision ADC, you are selecting from the industry leading portfolio in ac and dc performance, power, speed and size, with products ranging from 8-bit to 32-bit resolution.

ADI champions ease of use, with ever increasing emphasis on helping our customers to more quickly arrive at their end design objective, at a component level and signal chain level.

Choose from a comprehensive suite of tools to simplify design in from selection to prototyping. Products are available in a range of architectures:
SAR—Successive Approximation ADCs
Σ-Δ Modulators
Isolated ADCs
Analog Devices provides an unrivalled portfolio for precision A/D converters. When you select an ADI precision ADC, you are selecting from the industry leading portfolio in ac and dc performance, power, speed and size, with products ranging from 8-bit to 32-bit resolution.

ADI champions ease of use, with ever increasing emphasis on helping our customers to more quickly arrive at their end design objective, at a component level and signal chain level.

Choose from a comprehensive suite of tools to simplify design in from selection to prototyping. Products are available in a range of architectures:
SAR—Successive Approximation ADCs
Σ-Δ Modulators
Isolated ADCs


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ADI公司的单通道精密模数转换器包括一个ADC,分辨率范围为8位至24位,吞吐速率为kSPS至10 MSPS,同时在噪声、线性度和动态范围方面出色的性能。ADI提供能够快速轻松部署的解决方案,可以满足不同应用的速度、功耗和尺寸需求。通过提供先进的技术,我们的转换器可提供出色的性能并实现新一代终端系统。我们提供一系列ADC架构,包括: • SAR——逐次逼近型ADC • Σ-Δ调制器
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ADI公司的多路复用精密模数转换器包括一个ADC,分辨率范围为8位至24位,通道数高达16通道,吐速率为kSPS至10 MSPS,同时在噪声、线性度和动态范围方面提供业界领先的性能。ADI公司提供能够快速轻松部署的多通道解决方案,可以满足多种不同应用的速度、功耗和尺寸需求。我们的多路复用转换器支持单端、差分和伪差分输入设计,提供了下一代终端系统所需的特性组合。我们提供一系列ADC转换器架构,包括: • SAR—逐次逼近型ADC转换器 • Σ-Δ型调制器
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ADI 公司精密信号链 μModule® 解决方案利用异构集成,为精密数据转换提供完整的解决方案。这些解决方案通过将组件选择、优化和布局从设计人员转移到套件,来减少设计迭代。对于系统级设计人员,它们还显著减少了尺寸、总拥有成本和上市时间。

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ADI公司的同步采样精密模数转换器在单封装内提供2至8个分立ADC,支持2至12个通道,分辨率范围为kSPS至5 MSPS。ADI的同步精密转换器提供业界较领先的噪声、线性度和动态范围性能,可满足您的速度、功耗和尺寸需求。利用同步采样ADC,用户可同时转换多个信号并保留相位信息。我们提供一系列ADC架构,支持单端、差分和伪差分输入设计,具体包括 • SAR—逐次逼近型ADC • Σ-Δ型调制器

Precision ADC Selection Guide

This ADC selector guide is designed as a pre-selection tool to facilitate selection of a short list of possible products.

Precision ADC Selection Guide

This ADC selector guide is designed as a pre-selection tool to facilitate selection of a short list of possible products.