

双输出 18A 或单输出 36A DC/DC μModule 稳压器





  • 双输出 18A 或单输出 36A
  • 宽输入电压范围:4.5V 至 15V
  • 输出电压范围:0.6V 至 1.8V
  • 在整个电压、负载和温度范围内具有 ±1.5% 的最大总 DC 输出误差
  • 差分远端检测放大器
  • 电流模式控制 / 快速瞬态响应
  • 可调开关频率
  • 过流折返保护
  • 利用多个 LTM4630 实现多相并联均流 (高达 144A)
  • 频率同步
  • 内部温度监视器
  • 引脚与 LTM4620 和 LTM4620A (双通道 13A,单通道 26A) 及 LTM4628 (双通道 8A,单通道 16A) 相兼容
  • 可选的突发模式 (Burst Mode®) 操作
  • 软起动 / 电压跟踪
  • 输出过压保护
  • 16mm x 16mm x 4.41mm LGA 封装和 16mm x 16mm x 5.01mm BGA 封装
双输出 18A 或单输出 36A DC/DC μModule 稳压器
36A, 1.2V Output DC/DC μModule Regulator 1.2VOUT Efficiency vs IOUT Product Package 1 Product Package 2
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部分模型 产品周期 描述
µModule降压稳压器 2
LTM4649 推荐新设计使用 10A、降压型 DC/DC μModule 稳压器
LTM4650 推荐新设计使用 双通道 25A 或单通道 50A DC/DC μModule 稳压器
多个输出降压调节器 1
LTM4633 推荐新设计使用 三输出 10A 降压型 DC/DC μModule 稳压器
集成数字电源系统管理的µModule稳压器 1
LTM4676 过期 具数字电源系统管理功能的双通道 13A 或单通道 26A μModule 稳压器
数字电源系统管理器 1
LTC2977 推荐新设计使用 具准确输出电压测量功能的 8 通道 PMBus 电源系统管理器
Modal heading
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eval board

LTM4630 Demo Board | 70A Polyphase Step-Down (2x LTM4630), 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT = 0.9V to 1.8V @ 70A


Demonstration Circuit 2007A-A features a PolyPhase® design using the LTM4630EV, the high efficiency, high density, dual 18A, switch mode step-down power μModule® regulator. The input voltage is from 4.5V to 15V. The output voltage is jumper selectable from 0.9V to 1.8V. The DC2007A-A can deliver a nominal 70A output current. As explained in the data sheet, output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions. The LTM4630 on the DC2007A-A always operates in continuous conduction mode. The switching frequency can be programmed through a resistor or can be synchronized to an external clock signal. The board allows the user to program how its output voltage ramps up and down through the TRACK pin.


eval board

LTM4630 Demo Board | Dual Buck µModule Regulator, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT1 = 1.5V @ 18A, VOUT2 = 1.0V @ 18A


Demonstration circuit 1892A features the LTM4630EV, the high efficiency, high density, dual 18A, switch mode step-down power module regulator. The input voltage is from 4.5V to 15V. The output voltage is programmable from 0.6V to 1.8V. DC1892A can deliver up to 18A maximum in each channel. As explained in the LTM4630 data sheet, output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT and thermal conditions. The board operates in continuous conduction mode in heavy load conditions. For high efficiency at low load currents, the MODE jumper (JP1) selects pulse-skipping mode for noise-sensitive applications or Burst Mode® operation in less noise-sensitive applications.

eval board

LTM4630 Demo Board | 140A Polyphase Step-Down (4x LTM4630), 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT = 0.9V to 1.8V @ 140A


Demonstration circuit 2007A-C features a PolyPhase® design using the LTM4630EV, the high efficiency, high density, dual 18A, switch mode step-down power μModule® regulator. The input voltage is from 4.5V to 15V. The output voltage is jumper selectable from 0.9V to 1.8V. The DC2007A-C can deliver a nominal 140A output current. As explained in the data sheet, output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions. The LTM4630 on the DC2007A-C always operates in continuous conduction mode. The switching frequency can be programmed through a resistor or can be synchronized to an external clock signal. The board allows the user to program how its output voltage ramps up and down through the TRACK pin.


eval board

LTM4630EV Demo Board | Step-Down μModule Regulator, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT = 1V @ 36A


Demonstration circuit 2081A-A features the LTM4630EV, the high efficiency, high density, dual 18A, switch mode step-down μModule® regulator. The input voltage is from 4.5V to 15V. The output voltage is programmable from 0.6V to 1.8V. DC2081A-A is configured as dual-phase, single-output, which can deliver up to 36A maximum. The board designs with minimum components to demonstrate this high efficiency, high density μModule. As explained in the data sheet, output current de-rating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions.

eval board

LTM4630 Demo Board | 105A Polyphase Step-Down (3x LTM4630), 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT = 0.9V to 1.8V @ 105A


Demonstration circuit 2007A-B features a PolyPhase® design using the LTM4630EV, the high efficiency, high density, dual 18A, switch mode step-down power μModule® regulator. The input voltage is from 4.5V to 15V. The output voltage is jumper selectable from 0.9V to 1.8V. The DC2007A-B can deliver a nominal 105A output current. As explained in the data sheet, output current derating is necessary for certain VIN, VOUT, and thermal conditions. The LTM4630 on DC2007A-B always operates in continuous conduction mode. The switching frequency can be programmed through a resistor or can be synchronized to an external clock signal.

eval board

LTM4676AEY/LTM4630EV Demo Board | PMBus Buck µModule (LTM4676A) + LTM4630 (x3), 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 0.5V to 1.8V @ 130A


Demonstration circuit 2106B-B is a high efficiency, high density, paralleled, multi-chip μModule regulator solution with a 4.5V to 16V input range and 130A  of output current. The output voltage (1V default value) is adjustable from 0.5V to 1.8V. The demo board has 1× LTM4676A acting as the master controller, and 3× LTM4630 μModule slave controllers. All devices having their outputs paralleled to provide 130A of current. Please see the LTM4676A and LTM4630 data sheets for more detailed information.

LTM4630 Demo Board | 70A Polyphase Step-Down (2x LTM4630), 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT = 0.9V to 1.8V @ 70A
LTM4630 Demo Board | Dual Buck µModule Regulator, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT1 = 1.5V @ 18A, VOUT2 = 1.0V @ 18A
DC1892A - Schematic
LTM4630 Demo Board | 140A Polyphase Step-Down (4x LTM4630), 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT = 0.9V to 1.8V @ 140A
LTM4630EV Demo Board | Step-Down μModule Regulator, 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT = 1V @ 36A
DC2081A-A - Schematic
LTM4630 Demo Board | 105A Polyphase Step-Down (3x LTM4630), 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 15V, VOUT = 0.9V to 1.8V @ 105A
LTM4676AEY/LTM4630EV Demo Board | PMBus Buck µModule (LTM4676A) + LTM4630 (x3), 4.5V ≤ VIN ≤ 16V, VOUT = 0.5V to 1.8V @ 130A
DC2106B-B - Schematic

