

±0.25°C Accurate, 16-Bit Digital I2C Temperature Sensor

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1ku List Price
Starting From $3.82

Part Details

  • High performance
    • Temperature accuracy
      • ±0.20°C from −10°C to +85°C at 3.0 V
      • ±0.25°C from −20°C to +105°C from 2.7 V to 3.3 V
    • 16-bit resolution: 0.0078°C
  • Ultralow temperature drift: 0.0073°C
    • NIST traceable or equivalent
    • Fast first temperature conversion on power-up of 6 ms
  • Easy implementation
    • No temperature calibration/correction required by user
    • No linearity correction required
  • Low power
    • Power-saving 1 sample per second (SPS) mode
    • 700 µW typical at 3.3 V in normal mode
    • 7 µW typical at 3.3 V in shutdown mode
  • Wide operating ranges
    • Temperature range: −40°C to +150°C
    • Voltage range: 2.7 V to 5.5 V
  • Programmable interrupts
    • Critical overtemperature interrupt
    • Overtemperature/undertemperature interrupt
  • I2C-compatible interface
  • 16-lead, 4 mm × 4 mm LFCSP RoHS-compliant package
±0.25°C Accurate, 16-Bit Digital I2C Temperature Sensor
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Evaluation Kits

eval board

±0.1°C, ±0.25°C & ±0.5°C Accurate Temperature Sensor Evaluation Platform

Features and Benefits

Fully featured Arduino shield for the ADT7410, ADT7420, ADT7422, ADT7310, and ADT7320 digital temperature sensors. On board ribbon cable connectors facilitate either I2C or SPI interface to miniature remote sensor boards.

PC control in conjunction with the following Software IDE’s:

  • Analysis | Control | Evaluation (ACE) Software
  • Arduino
  • Mbed

PC control in conjunction with the following Hardware Systems:

  • SDP-S, SDP-B, SDP-K1 and Arduino

Compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10

Temperature Sensor Evaluation Kit contains the following boards:


The following evaluation board can be ordered separately where ±0.1°C accurate measurements are required.


Product Details

The EVAL-TempSense-ARDZ is an evaluation board kit containing three evaluation boards that allows easy evaluation of the functionality of ADIs precision digital temperature sensors. Interface to the sensors can be either directly on the Arduino shield or by ribbon cable connected to external sensors. Consult the ADT7410, ADT7420, ADT7422, ADT7310, and ADT7320 data sheets in conjunction with the user guide when using the EVAL-TempSense-ARDZ with the Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) or the Analysis Control Evaluation (ACE) Software.

The ADT7410, ADT7420, ADT7422, ADT7310, and ADT7320 are high accuracy digital temperature sensors offering breakthrough performance over a wide industrial temperature range. The devices contain an internal band gap reference, a temperature sensor, and a 16-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to monitor and digitize the temperature to 0.0078°C resolution. The devices are available in I2C or SPI versions.

eval board

+/-0.25 degree Celsius Temperature Measurement PMOD Board

Features and Benefits

  • 0.25 Degree Celsius Temperature Measurement Accurate
  • I2C PMOD Connector
  • Connectable to FPGA and MCU Platforms

Product Details

The PMOD compatible evaluation/prototyping board is a small form factor, low cost ambient temperature sensor measurement board. When prototyping, this board is used in conjunction with the ADICUP360 or the ADICUP3029 development platform. Direct electrical and physical connection will enable you to get started quickly with hardware and software, to help develop your solution.

I2C PMOD peripheral connectors can also be found on many 3rd party MCU or FPGA development boards, where the EVAL-ADT7420-PMDZ can be connected directly into those systems, and you can develop your own code using our reference code below.

eval board

ADuCM3029 Cog Development Platform for Ultra Low Power Applications

Features and Benefits

  • On-board ultra-low power ARM Cortex M3 MCU
  • No external Debugger/Emulator Tools required
  • Small form factor (75X35 mm )
  • Multiple power options – USB, Coincell, External, Li-Ion
  • Onboard peripherals – Accelerometer, Temperature sensor
  • Compatible with ADI RF daughter cards, and RF modules
  • Compatible with ADI application add-on boards (Gears)
  • Expansion Connectors and Jumpers for providing external access to all MCU signals

Product Details

The EV-COG-AD3029 is a development platform for Analog Devices Ultra Low Power technology across ADI's MCU and RF transceiver portfolio. The board uses CrossCore Embedded Studio, an open source Eclipse based Interactive Development Environment (IDE), which can be downloaded free of charge. The platform contains many hardware and software example projects to make it easier for customers to prototype and create solutions for Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

A Cog development system may consist of these

  • A MCU Cog that highlights the differentiating values of ADI ULP portfolio.
  • An optional add-on board (Gear) for application specific use case.
  • An optional wireless board (RF-Cog) for connectivity

The Cog development system objective is to rapidly create a development/prototyping capability focused on industrial, professional, pro-sumer customers, with a flexible radio, microprocessor, sensor and application development environment.

eval board

ADuCM4050 variant of Cog Development Platform for Analog Devices Ultra Low Power Technology across MCU and RF Transceiver Portfolio

Features and Benefits

  • On-board ultra-low power ARM Cortex M4F MCU
  • No external Debugger/Emulator Tools required
  • Small form factor (75X35mm )
  • Multiple power options – USB, Coincell, External, Li-Ion
  • Onboard peripherals – Accelerometer, Temperature sensor
  • Compatible with ADI RF daughter cards, and RF modules
  • Compatible with ADI application add-on boards (Gears)
  • Expansion Connectors and Jumpers for providing external access to all MCU signals

Product Details

The EV-COG-AD4050 is a development platform for Analog Devices Ultra Low Power technology across ADI's MCU and RF transceiver portfolio. The board uses CrossCore Embedded Studio, an open source Eclipse based Interactive Development Environment (IDE), which can be downloaded free of charge. The platform contains many hardware and software example projects to make it easier for customers to prototype and create solutions for Internet of Things (IoT) applications.

A Cog development system may consist of these

  • A MCU Cog that highlights the differentiating values of ADI ULP portfolio.
  • An optional add-on board (Gear) for application specific use case.
  • An optional wireless board (RF-Cog) for connectivity.

The Cog development system objective is to rapidly create a development/prototyping capability focused on industrial, professional, pro-sumer customers, with a flexible radio, microprocessor, sensor and application development environment.

±0.1°C, ±0.25°C & ±0.5°C Accurate Temperature Sensor Evaluation Platform
+/-0.25 degree Celsius Temperature Measurement PMOD Board
ADuCM3029 Cog Development Platform for Ultra Low Power Applications
ADuCM4050 variant of Cog Development Platform for Analog Devices Ultra Low Power Technology across MCU and RF Transceiver Portfolio

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