The ADIsimPLL™ design tool is a comprehensive and easy to use PLL synthesizer design and simulation tool. All key nonlinear effects that can impact PLL performance can be simulated, including phase noise, fractional-N spurs, and anti-backlash pulse. Fully compatible with prior releases, the ADIsimPLL design tool eliminates time-consuming iterations from the PLL/synthesizer development process. The ADF4xxx family of synthesizers serves a range of applications such as wireless base stations, LAN, mobile handsets and PDAs, broadband wireless access, industrial applications, instrumentation and test equipment, satellite, sonar, and CATV. Our ADIsimPLL design tool offers support for the latest PLL synthesizers, including the new highly integrated ADF4351 PLL for base station and general-purpose applications and the ADRF6850 integrated broadband receiver for satellite applications.

Download ADIsimPLL™ Version 5.8.06

Key Features

  • Easy-to-use software speeds development process
  • Simulate all key PLL performance specs
  • Supports over 80 ADI PLL products

ADIsimPLL graph

ADIsimPLL is a comprehensive and easy to use PLL synthesizer design and simulation tool. All key nonlinear effects that can impact PLL performance can be simulated, including phase noise, fractional-N spurs, and anti-backlash pulse.


Quickly adjust PLL parameters and frequencies, optimize loop filters, and view the results in either the time domain or frequency domain.


Additional support for ADIsimPLL can be found within our documentation.

Demonstration of the ADIsimPLL Design Tool (PDF)

Using the ADIsimPLL Design Tool

Take a tour of ADIsimPLL. Watch this comprehensive video tutorial simulating PLL performance with ADI’s ADF4xxx family of synthesizers.