ObsoleteUltracompact ±2g Dual-Axis Accelerometer
Part Details
The ADXL311 is a low cost, low power, dual axis iMEMS® accelerometer that will measure acceleration with a full-scale range of ±2g. This complete dual axis accelerometer integrates signal conditioned voltage outputs on a single monolithic IC and can measure both dynamic acceleration (e.g. vibration) and static acceleration (e.g. gravity). The outputs are analog voltages proportional to acceleration. The typical noise floor is 300ug per root Hz at 3V operation, allowing signals below 2mg (0.1° of inclination) to be resolved in tilt sensing applications using narrow bandwidths (10Hz). The ADXL311 is available in 5mm x 5mm x 2mm 8 lead hermetic LCC package.
Applications:Suggested Replacement Parts
Small, Low Power, 3-Axis ±3 g Accelerometer
Application Note 2
Evaluation Design File 1
Frequently Asked Question 1
Obsolete Data Sheet 1
This is the most up-to-date revision of the Data Sheet.