Quantic X-Microwave

Analog Devices' RF and microwave components are now also available as X-MWblock® drop-in evaluation modules from X-Microwave.

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24 GHz to 44 GHz, Wideband, Microwave Upconverter

Part Models
1ku List Price
Starting From $102.61

Part Details

  • Wideband RF output frequency range: 24 GHz to 44 GHz
  • 2 upconversion modes
    • Direct conversion from baseband I/Q to RF
    • Single-sideband upconversion from real IF
  • LO input frequency range: 5.4 GHz to 10.25 GHz
  • LO quadrupler for up to 41 GHz
  • Matched 50 Ω single-ended RF output and IF inputs
  • Option between matched 100 Ω balanced or 50 Ω single-ended LO inputs
  • 100 Ω balanced baseband inputs
  • Sideband suppression and carrier feedthrough optimization
  • Variable attenuator for transceiver power control
  • Programmable via 4-wire SPI interface
  • 40-terminal land grid array package (LGA)
24 GHz to 44 GHz, Wideband, Microwave Upconverter
ADMV1013 Functional Block Diagram ADMV1013 Pin Configuration
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Hardware Ecosystem

Parts Product Life Cycle Description
Baseband Programmable VGA-Filters 1

Dual Programmable Filters and VGAs for 2 GHz Channel Spacing for μW Radios

Digital Control VGAs 1

Dual, 35 dB Range, 1 dB Step Size DGA

Fractional-N PLL 6
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ADF4371 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS Microwave Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO
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HMC704 LAST TIME BUY 8 GHz 19-Bit Fractional-N PLL
ADF5355 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS Microwave Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO
ADF5356 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS Microwave Wideband Synthesizer with Integrated VCO
Fully Differential Amplifiers 2
ADL5569 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS 6.5 GHz, Ultrahigh Dynamic Range, Differential Amplifier
ADL5567 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS 4.3 GHz, Ultrahigh Dynamic Range, Dual Differential Amplifier
LDO Plus 1
LT3042 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS 20V, 200mA, Ultralow Noise, Ultrahigh PSRR RF Linear Regulator
Microwave and mmWave Tx/Rx 2
HMC8100 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS Intermediate Frequency Receiver 800 MHz - 4000 MHz
HMC8200 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS Intermediate Frequency Transmitter 800 MHz to 4000 MHz
Positive Linear Regulators (LDO) 4
ADM7172 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS 6.5 V, 2 A, Ultralow Noise, High PSRR, Fast Transient Response CMOS LDO
ADM7170 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS 6.5 V, 500 mA, Ultralow Noise, High PSRR, Fast Transient Response CMOS LDO
LT3045 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS 20V, 500mA, Ultralow Noise, Ultrahigh PSRR Linear Regulator
Single-Channel Voltage Output D/A Converters 1
AD5601 PRODUCTION 2.7 V to 5.5 V, <100 μA, 8-Bit nanoDAC, SPI Interface in LFCSP and SC70
Standard High Speed D/A Converters 2
AD9174 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS Dual, 16-Bit, 12.6 GSPS RF DAC and Direct Digital Synthesizer
AD9172 RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGNS Dual, 16-Bit, 12.6 GSPS RF DAC with Channelizers
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Tools & Simulations

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ADIsimRF is an easy-to-use RF signal chain calculator. Cascaded gain, noise, distortion and power consumption can be calculated, plotted and exported for signal chains with up to 50 stages. ADIsimRF also includes an extensive data base of device models for ADI’s RF and mixed signal components.

Open Tool

LTspice® is a powerful, fast and free simulation software, schematic capture and waveform viewer with enhancements and models for improving the simulation of analog circuits.

Evaluation Kits

eval board

ADMV1013 Evaluation Board

Features and Benefits

  • Fully featured evaluation board for the ADMV1013
  • On-board USB for SPI control
  • 5 V operation
  • ACE software interface for SPI control

Product Details

TThe ADMV1013-EVALZ evaluation board incorporates the ADMV1013 with a microcontroller, low dropout (LDO) regulators, and the AD5601 nanoDAC® to allow the quick and easy evaluation of the ADMV1013. The microcontroller allows the user to configure the ADMV1013 register map through the Analysis, Control, Evaluation (ACE) software. The LDO regulators allow the ADMV1013 to be powered on by a single supply, and offer power supply ripple rejection. The AD5601 nanoDAC allows the user to attenuate the radio frequency (RF) power from the mixer of the ADMV1013 without using an external power supply.

The ADMV1013 is a silicon germanium (SiGe) design, wideband, microwave upconverter optimized for point to point microwave radio designs operating in a frequency range of 24 GHz to 44 GHz.

The ADMV1013 comes in a compact, thermally enhanced, 6 mm × 6 mm LGA package, and operates over a temperature range of −40°C to +85°C. For full details on the ADMV1013, see the ADMV1013 data sheet. Consult the data sheet in conjunction with this user guide when using the ADMV1013-EVALZ evaluation board.

ADMV1013 Evaluation Board
ADMV1013 Evaluation Board ADMV1013 Evaluation Board ADMV1013 Evaluation Board

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